
歡迎你加入運動產業創業讀書會!這個讀書會由好奇槓鈴Podcast 主持人 Angie負責籌劃、澳洲RMIT PhD& 健身教練Wei協辦,我們希望藉由聆聽他人的創業故事、以及全球頂尖的BBusiness thought leaders 訪談,一起交流對於運動產業創業與營運的想法.




下面幾頁是我們每週的聆聽內容,附上連結為官方Listen Note,你可以在自己喜歡的Podcast App收聽各單集Podcast




Week 1

  • 輕鬆在家運動/科技導讀 “在價值觀崩解、組織破碎的時代,健身成為人們自我實現的途徑。兩家健身新創 Peloton 與 Zwift 用不同的方法,解放了「居家健身」巨大的市場潛力。一個採用高度整合的策略,另一個則是利用遊戲與社群的樂趣。「下雨了」不再是不運動的藉口。本期節目包括以下議題:網路時代的新歸屬/ Peloton 的體驗設計/ Zwift 的社群模式”
  • Peloton/ Marketing school “how Peloton turned a failing model around to become a billion-dollar business, using only one marketing tactic! That’s right, we are talking about pricing. If your products or services are priced to high or too low your sales can easily suffer. Tune in to hear about ways to intelligently price your offers in order to maximize sales for your company and keep growing! ”
  • Story Brand Building Framework “Story is the most powerful tool in the world to captivate the human brain. When you learn to use story in your brand’s communication, your customers will finally pay attention to what you’re saying. You can learn to use story to clarify your message.”
Donald Miller Story Brand | Journal writing, How to plan, Writing
Source: storybrand

Week 2

  • 在豐盛與稀缺間衝浪/科技島讀 “為何我這麼勤奮,卻賺不到什麼錢?為何我的公司努力擁抱科技,卻越來越邊緣化?秘訣在於掌握稀缺。科技消弭舊的稀缺,創造新的豐盛。在工業時代要掌握稀缺物質,在資訊時代要掌握好位置與複雜度。成功的方法是衝科技的浪潮,捕捉新的稀缺。本期 podcast 討論資本主義的獎勵設計/ 價值不等於利潤/ 從工業到資訊時代的稀缺變化/軟體帶來的兩種稀缺”
  • Kelly Starret TRS “Could you work with your love partner? How about if you were a practicing attorney and gave it all up to open a  gym? Would you switch a successful business name and strategy because you wanted to help and reach more people and pivot mid-stride?   Juliett opting to support her and her husband’s dream to move into the gym and mobility space, andwhile raising their two daughters together.  Kelly Starrett of Supple Leopard and Mobility WOD fame shares overcoming childhood obstacles and the ways in which his wife helped him express his brilliance and how they make it work together?  ”

Week 3

  • Naval Ravikant/ The Knowledge Project “Naval Ravikant is the CEO and co-founder of AngelList. He’s invested in more than 100 companies, including Uber, Twitter, Yammer, and many others.
  • SoulCycle/ Tim FerrissJulie Rice (@julierice_), an entrepreneur best known for co-founding the fitness phenomenon SoulCycle. Julie served as Co-CEO at SoulCycle from 2006 to 2015 before joining WeWork in November 2017, where she is focusing on WeWork’s brand and the experience WeWork provides its members and seeking new and innovative ways to grow and share the WeWork experience around the globe. ”
Why people pay $34 a class for SoulCycle - Business Insider
Source: Business Insider

Week 4

  • Ramit Sathi inerview/ Tim Ferriss (1) (2) “Ramit Sethi built his personal finance blog up to 500,000+ readers per month, and has since turned it into a revenue generating monster. I don’t use that phrasing lightly. In this episode, we dig into the nitty-gritty tools, software, and experiments he’s used to turn a college side project into a multi-million-dollar business with 30+ employees.”
  • TRX/ How I built this “In 1997, Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick was deployed in Southeast Asia, where he was stationed in a remote warehouse for weeks with no way to exercise. So he grabbed an old jujitsu belt, threw it over a door, and started doing pull-ups. Today, TRX exercise straps dangle from the ceiling in gyms across the country and are standard workout gear for professional athletes.”